Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Capture Your Grief: Day 6

Day 6: books.

I feel like I have a whole arsenal of books that deal with grief, faith, hope, etc. All of them have been credited somewhere as being great for someone. I have read a little bit of each one of these and hearing some other stories can be healing....but nothing is ever as real or heart wrenching as my own story, to me. 

However, one I do absolutely love, is Heaven Is For Real. The kid or adult version. They're both eye opening. My daughter, the #RedHead especially loves the children's version.

As I've grown older, I have enjoyed reading a bit more, and I do really hope to one day have these all read, plus more, in their entirety.

Ariella Grace. 9.2.12 - 10.29.12.
#CaptureYourGrief #WhatHealsYourHeart #AriellaGrace

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