Monday, October 6, 2014

Capture Your Grief: Day 5

Day 5: journal

This one has been a hard one for me. Don't get me wrong, I love to write. I love to tell people my story. But since you passed, it's hard to even know what to write. What I do know is, I find comfort in typing out a blog, even though not many people read it. I don't care. Getting my thoughts about faith, pain, life, and anything else helps. It gives me peace. My struggle and faith may possibly, someday lead to someone else's path in finding Christ.

Beyond just writing about Ari though, I find healing in writing my prayers. I can't say I have been the best at this lately, but this day shows me I should be more intentional about it. Seeing the prayers God answers is incredible!

I also find healing in doodles. They're not always the prettiest, or the lines may not always be colored in perfectly, but drawing gives me a sense of freedom, deliverance and expressing myself. Journaling my heart isn't always easy, but it sure is healing. 

Ariella Grace. 9.2.12 - 10.29-12.
#CaptureYourGrief #WhatHealsYourHeart #AriellaGrace

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