Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Capture Your Grief: Day 21

Day 21: Relationship

This guy. Let me tell you about this guy. He is amazing. He is strong. He is funny. He is humble. He is a hockey lover. He is amusing. He has an amazing smile that puts light into my heart. He is my rock. 
He is mine. Forever.
The the pictures of us (above) are from before, during, and after our loss of our sweet angel. The one on the right is a plaque we got as a wedding gift...reading "marriage takes three"

The one constant in our marriage is Christ. We know we couldn't do this without Him. We know we couldn't love the way we do, without Him. We know, without Him, "us"wouldn't be possible. I thank God that I have a husband who understands and abides by that. I thank God for putting such a man in my life. I thank God that we were able to come together and find Christ, together. I am so grateful for the journey that we have been on...no matter how hard or how many struggles it has been. We are always there for each other.

We by no means are perfect, or have a perfect marriage. We have our own flaws...but this guy...he is mine...forever...and I'm so thankful he understands that our relationship is nothing without God. I love you babe. If we had to do it all over again, I'd still choose you. xoxoxo

9.2.12 - 10.29.12
Ariella Grace

#CaptureYourGrief #WhatHealsYourHeart #AriellaGrace
Now, I realize the following is a TON of pictures...but it is our journey of photos we have had since getting pregnant with our sweet little princess...

The hubby and I at a wedding, 2014
Of course...being a couple of goofballs :)
Just hanging out at home, quick "selfie" because I don't think we have enough pictures of just the two of us. Our home is enamered with pictures of our girls...but I enjoy the pictures we have together...as silly as some of them are.
 The two of us at another wedding, 2014
 Wedding, 2014
 Celebrating Ari's 2nd birthday, 2014 at the Angel of Hope
 At a parade, summer 2014
 Joyful Noise, 2014
Joyful Noise, 2014
 Goofballs, at Joyful Noise, 2014
 We were REALLY excited!
Joyful Noise, 2014
 Out and about with family...kissy face! Summer, 2014
Picture with our "rainbow" baby :)
Spring, 2014

 Walk to remember, 2014
 Came to visit me at work :) Spring, 2014
Easter Sunday, 2014
Hockey game, 2014
And more goofiness
Our Valentines Day, 2014
Candlelight Memorial, Dec. 6th, 2013
Hangin with Izzy, Winter 2013
Joyful Noise, 2013
At a wedding, May, 2013 (I was preggars here with our "rainbow" baby...not many people knew)
Not long after our sweet angel passed away. At Operation Christmas Child. Winter, 2012
 At a wedding. Ari was only a few weeks old, already getting out and seeing the world! Fall, 2012
Just a little newborn baby. September, 2012
Bringing her home from the hospital. September, 2012
MN State Fair, September, 2012
Blue Man Group...PREGGO! Summer/Fall, 2012
BMG - Summer/Fall 2012

There is no love, like the one you knew from the start was going to last. We knew. We knew God had a plan for us. I love that I get to love you, grow in our relationship, and extend our relationship with God together. You are my best friend, my comforter, my everything. I can't say it enough...I love you

<3 <3 <3

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