Monday, October 20, 2014

Capture Your Grief: Day 20

Day 20: Breathe

I almost put "day 16" in again on this photo....almost...


Today, on my lunch break, I took a few moments to just look at the beautiful fall colors and immerse myself in the moment. This has been an extraordinarily beautiful fall in MN. I decided to take a seize this moment of just breathing it all in.

I feel at times all I do is hold my breath. Breathing is such a natural thing, yet I catch myself holding my breath all the time. Or clenching my teeth. Or biting my finger nails. It's so frustrating when you seem to not even be in control of it all.

So...on this day...where we heal by breathing...I took my photo. My one photo. And there's my girl...shining down, (do you see the two glares in the right hand corner) showing me she is always there. Mind you...I had my back to the sun...there was no glare in the camera screen. And BOOM. My baby Ari is there. While I took some time to breathe, she breathed more life into me. I love you sweet girl. Thank you for visiting me today <3

9.2.12 - 10.29.12
Ariella Grace.

#CaptureYourGrief #WhatHealsYourHeart #AriellaGrace

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