Monday, October 20, 2014

Capture Your Grief: Day 19

Day 19: give

I really want to dedicate today's post about what others have given to us. 

After our decision was made about cremation, having a "place" for Ari was a concern for me. I wanted a special place to go and see her. Luckily, a prayer was answered and a group of wonderful mom friends as well as my work pulled together and purchased us two bricks for our sweet girl. 

I know I have brought this up numerous times, but it really is such a beautiful place for her. She is surrounded by other angels, and every May and December a group of parents and families who have lost their children too soon, gather and honor their children. 

To hear MY daughter's name in a crowd, knowing they are talking about HER, means the world. To me, it means she's never forgotten. It means her name, her life, her meaning, it really MEANT something. It wasn't all for nothing. 

It's because of this, I feel the urge to help others when they are in greater need than I am. Giving is the way God teaches to love one another. Even in our deepest sorrow. It is by giving we can open our hearts. Giving love. Hope. Thanks. Giving, is what we do best when it is in the name of the Lord. 

So, thank you, to those who opened their hearts to give this to our family. This beautiful gift. A place of love, healing, and visiting our precious girl. 

9.2.12 - 10.29.12
Ariella Grace.
#CaptureYourGrief #WhatHealsYourHeart #AriellaGrace

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