Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Capture Your Grief: Day 1

If you personally know our family, or have kept up with things in this blog, the news of our family grieving the loss of our daughter is not new. I know it has been a while since I have posted here, but I have really had a hard time figuring out what to write. 

Faith is a funny thing sometimes. It's ever changing. It's always showing you new things. It's bringing you to new people, making you look at things in different ways. For me, keeping my faith is crucial to my daily walk. It's something I never let go of.

  Getting back to the news of our grieving daughter and how that relates here today. October is National SIDS, Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. 

Infant loss is hard at any stage in the game. Whether you are 8 weeks pregnant, or have an 8 week old. There is so much that you look at that you can never do with your child now. So much that you can now only dream about. 

In the case of our daughter, we lost her to SIDS at 8 weeks old. To read more about it you can read "Our Biggest Test Yet"

As much as I sit and lament some days about what I could have done, or could have said, or could have remembered to do better, I want to take the time this month to share my grief. To open a door that not many people see. I will be doing it on my social media pages as well, but here I can share the more intimate moments. 

Carly Marie has started a project that allows those who have suffered through a loss to find a way to capture and share their grief throughout the month of October.

I will try and post every day, or a few days at a time. Part of a faith journey is capturing moments like these to realize what you do have, what you can appreciate and see where God fits into all of that. 

So...with all that is my day 1 of capturing grief:

Day 1: Sunrise. 7:15am. Minneapolis, MN
A bit gloomy and rainy this morning in #Minneapolis Today begins the journey of #CaptureYourGrief for SIDS, Pregnancy, and Infant Loss Awareness Month.
It is this month, two years ago, we lost our sweet girl. I'll never forget that day. Never. I will never forget waking up and realizing you were gone. I'll never forget the chaos that ensued afterwards and how much shock we were all in. I will never forget. 

While today's sunrise isn't a big bright and beautiful one, every day I still look to the morning sky to see what kind of beautiful paintings you create and who you shine down on with all the other angels up there. It never fails, mornings are our time together. While I drive to work and watch the sun rise, I think of you. Your little smile. Your little hands and feet.

You are MY sunshine love. May you shine your bright light even through the clouds and the rain. Each day you renew me. 

"Because of the Lord's great love we ate not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are NEW EVERY MORNING; great is your faithfulness" lamentation 3:22-23

Ariella Grace. 9.2.12 - 10.29.12

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