The funny thing is, I always know that no matter how hard I scream at him, or yell, or how angry I get, he is ALWAYS there for me. I may not hear him or feel him the same way, but he is ALWAYS there. Whether I want him to be or not. Whether what's going on in my life is what I want it to be or not. HIS plan is always bigger than MY plan. If there's one thing I do gain from screaming at God, it's to know that even when I do scream at him, he's still there. He doesn't abandon me like a friend or neighbor might if I started screaming at them. He doesn't change his love for me because I'm mad at him. It's a constant ever-lasting love that he gives to all of us, no matter how mad we are at him.
As I get older and gain more experience into the "Christian" world, I see that God doesn't necessarily want us to be constantly happy with him (well, in a way he does, but it just doesn't work out that way). We aren't always going to like the choices that are put before us. It makes us human to be angry. It makes us human to sin when we are angry. Does it mean we're right, No. Does God still love us regardless, Yes.
When we're happy with God we rejoice him, when we're content we pray, when we're mad we yell, when tragedy happens people can tend to drop out of Christian belief and leave God. We have all of these expressions that we can use towards God and no matter what, he still loves us.
So is it okay to be angry with God? Well, if you ask me, yes. It is okay. Like I said before, even though God puts us through certain situations in life, we may not like what those situations may be. We've all heard the saying that "Life isn't fair," well you're darn skippy it's not fair. So sometimes we can get mad about that. God can handle it. Scream away. But remember that when good things do come along, praise Him. Show Him your appreciation. The bible says to praise him in ALL things:
I Thessalonians 5:18 – In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
It's not always the easiest thing to do, especially when we're mad, but praising him for even the simplest of things like an easy ride to work that day is something God sees, and he will continue to bless you with.
My husband and I have faced a number of challenges over the past 3 years that we have been together. From illness, to deaths in the family, job changes, money changes, we have been riddled with things that could potentially tear our family apart. I think it goes without saying that I have had a fair share in screaming at God through those times, maybe even more than my fair share. Regardless, through every storm we should praise him.
Casting Crowns wrote a song specific to this post and it has been held dear in my heart over the course of these challenges...some of the lyrics are:
And I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
If you've never heard this song and are struggling through storms in your life, I encourage you to listen to this song. Here is the video:
So, in conclusion, scream away. Be mad. Let him know you're angry. God can take it. But always remember to praise him in the storms you face. Have faith that through your praise God will bring good to you.
Be blessed!
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