Monday, November 23, 2015

A Poem

Grief falls on me in my sleep,
You dance around instead of sheep,

It hurts sometimes, and others I smile,
Knowing I'll see you once in a while,

Even if only in my dreams,
It becomes something like a movie scene,

If I could hold you once again,
I'd hug and kiss you with no end,

You are my angel up above,
Watching, waiting, in perfect love,

One day my dear, again we'll meet,
Until then, my dreams remain...bittersweet.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

To Those Who Seek Refuge

The past several days have been filled with articles, opinions, and statements about whether or not we should allow refugees into our nation. How America should or should not allow those who are running for their lives to enter the land of the Free and the Brave. 

Why shouldn't they? Why shouldn't they be allowed to run here? We accept refugees from everywhere else in the world. Why would we now turn our back on the people who truly need it the most. Islam and Muslim people are running from ISIS from fear. The same fear that America stands on. The same fear that Paris stands on. The same exact fear that anyone who has a threat from ISIS stands on. 

Yes. I am a Christian. Yes. I feel for these people. Yes. I do think we should let them in. Why? Because that's what Jesus would do. 

I have had the argument turning in my head for days about what I would say to someone who would deny a refugee into this country, and today on Facebook it came out. I was shown an article about why we SHOULDN'T allow refugees, and why GOD wouldn't allow them (if you're truly interested, here is the link to the article: This was in response to an article I had posted with 12 Bible verses for why we SHOULD allow refugees in (if you're interested in a better read: For one, the article was complete nonsense and I truly pray for anyone who read it and believed an ounce that it said. The article specifically talks a lot about how the Syrian people are our "enemies" and how because they believe in Allah, they are unlike us and should be left to suffer their own consequences. Do you truly think they CHOSE to live in a hate filled country where evil men are taking over and ruining their pursuit of happiness? 

Yes, in the Bible nations were brought down. Whole nations were destroyed by God himself. Those nations were brought down because as a whole, they turned away from God. They turned away from the love that he provided, AFTER learning of it and being promised it. They still turned away. So yes, God punished them. And yes, there is a nation of people who are turning away and killing innocent people, but that does not give us the right as Christians to turn away and leave them to die. 

I happen to live in the great state of Minnesota, where recently, Governor Dayton made the statement that "if you don't agree with allowing refugees here, then you can leave" and I fully agree with the guy. As Christians, it is NOT OK to stand here and say "PRAY FOR PARIS" and change your Facebook pictures to their flag colors, then turn around and say that we won't help those who are in need, who are running away form the same people that attacked them. The same people who attacked America. The same people who are beheading Christians simply for being a Christian. 

I cannot stand here and actually believe that every single one of those Syrian people is out to kill Americans, French people, or Christian people. If they were, they would be standing with ISIS and not fleeing for their lives while bombs hit their homes. 

So, when it comes to the stance on what Jesus would do in a situation such as this.......

He would not take those in who call themselves people of ISIS. He would not allow those who threaten his people. He would tear down those who even try to harm someone he calls HIS CHILD.

However, he would allow those who want PEACE, LOVE, JUSTICE, AND AID to come to a people that maybe, at this point, do not believe or trust in him. But through his love, miracles, grace, and abounding joys, they would see that many of the experiences they are given can ONLY be given by the Glory and Grace of God alone. 

People are so worried that because the Syrian refugees are Muslim, they're all guilty of being a member of ISIS. Let's be honest here, how many Muslim people do you see out terrorizing the streets of downtown Minneapolis, or St.Louis, or San Diego? How many Muslim people do you see creating MAJOR safety issues in the normal day-to-day life we see? The only safety concerns they create are those of which are JUDGED upon them because of their look or religion.

I tell you now, I lived next door to a Muslim family. They were the most sweetest, kindest people I have EVER met in my LIFE. When our daughter passed away at 8 weeks old, it was them who stood next to us and brought us meals. They supported us in financial ways we didn't ask for. They came and stood next to us at our CHRISTIAN funeral for her. They took us in and gave us LOVE. Just like Jesus would. It wasn't my so called "Christian" neighbor. 

Now, you want to talk about deporting THOSE kinds of people? THOSE are the people I will stand next to and say deport me too. They don't deserve that. They are here living in America for the same reason you are. For the dream. For the freedom. They don't want ISIS to be put in their name.

We cannot turn away from those who run from the same thing we are. Until America stands and faces ISIS with a burning desire, we cannot turn people away who are only looking for refuge from being martyred, hated and destroyed. No matter their religion. 

To place judgement on a WHOLE ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE simply because a percentage of them are behind the ISIS group is outrageous. That would be like saying that ALL Christians should be martyred because they believe that Jesus was in fact, a human. 

If America is going to stand as a Christian nation again, it will not be because of our president, but rather our PEOPLE. So if you, so called Christians, want to stand there and say don't let them come, and judge them based on the actions of few, I would take a deep look in the mirror and really consider whether or not you truly show the love, compassion, and care that Jesus Christ does for his children. 

To sum up one article (the one shared earlier):
Love refugees as thyself.
Leave food for the poor and foreigner.
God loves the foreigner residing among you. 
The sin of Sodom (Ezekiel 16:49).
Do not oppress a foreigner.
Do not deprive foreigners of justice.
Leave your door open to travelers.
Invite in the stranger.
We were all baptized by one spirit.
Love they neighbor as thyself, including your Muslim, Syrian, Christian, Atheist, neighbor.

These are the beliefs I hold. I would not dare want to enter the gates of heaven and have to explain to my Father that I did not take in those who were in need. And I would only hope that if I were in the shoes of these refugees, someone would allow me in their home and help me in my time of need. 

It's time for people to stop being selfish, and start being selfless. 

**have to add this in**
If we, as a "Christian" nation, believe that God took down nations for not believing him, that God scorched those who did not hail his name, that He alone made those who did not believe in him suffer greatly, why shouldn't we believe that TODAY if we stood TOGETHER as Christians and prayed that ISIS be brought to its knees and destroyed, that HE would do it. HE alone would take them down. It is out of fear we do not stand and pray this prayer together. It is out of fear we do not allow refugees in. It is out of fear that ISIS continues to bring hurt and pain to this world. God alone can change that.