A little update, we welcomed our daughter Izzy in October. She's almost 4 months and is doing wonderfully. We're so thankful to have a healthy, beautiful little girl to add to our family. The loss of our daughter Ariella hit our family very hard and is still very hard for us to go through some days. However, love and compassion has refilled our hearts and been stronger than ever with the arrival of this precious little girl. God is good.
In the meantime, I have been somewhat stumped as to what to write about for my next post. I have had a few things come to mind, but nothing that really stuck out that I felt would be "enough" for me. I have written about the journey, love, faith through storms, childlike faith and faith through friends. I know there has to be more to write about than that!
And then it hit me. Everyday faith. Faith in the little things. We live our lives each day going through it routinely. Wake up, eat, work, go home, cook dinner, read, homework, kids, bed, etc. Day in and day out it's the same thing. Sometimes the brain wanders and thinks "what is this all for?" Why do I go to this job? Why do I bother keeping the house clean? Joyce Meyer was in my car with me this past week (not literally, but one of her discs on Strength and Discipline), and gave me the inspiration for this post.
So why do we do the things we do? Because God wants us to. Because it is right. We may not want to do them, but we do them because it says that it is good to do them in the Bible, and if we follow through with what God says is good and right, then he will bless us in our lives. We have that faith. I have this argument with my kids constantly. About cleaning their rooms, or washing the dishes, and picking up their clothes.
The whining and pouting gets old sometimes doesn't it? Even as a parent though, we fight with our kids to do these things that are right. Why? Because it's right. And God asks us and calls us to do what is right. I have the faith that if I'm raising my child right, in the way that God calls me to, not only will my child have faith in God, but will be strong, faithful and loving towards God and others. I have the faith that if I do my best, God will help with the rest.
This does mean doing things we don't want to though. I tell ya, my least favorite thing to do is the laundry and the dishes. Especially the dishes. Do I do them anyway? Yep. Why? Because it's what I should do. I should keep my house in order. I should get my homework done in time. I should make my kids look decent before they head out the door. If I can't keep my own life in order and intact, how can I expect to lead others in the way God wants me to?
Another Joyce Meyers saying:
As my inspiration for this post, I must share that Joyce has some great CD sets that you can listen to. You can check out some of it HERE. If you get a chance, check her out. She really is a great inspiration to God's word and how to live your life for God.
As I said before, sometimes we have to do things we don't like. In the end though, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose, Romans 8:28. If you don't know that verse, it is a good one to review daily.
Faith is a gift. We should use it in every way that we possibly can. It's important to exercise our faith muscles daily. If that includes doing things that aren't fun and what we don't necessarily want to do, so be it.